Instantaneous stochastic perturbation theory

Weak-coupling perturbation theory remains an important tool in lattice field theory, but rapidly becomes extremly tedious beyond the first few orders in the couplings. Numerical stochastic perturbation theory allows the computations to be automatized and can be a viable way to proceed in many cases.

Trivializing map

The form of stochastic perturbation theory described in the paper

M. Lüscher, Instantaneous stochastic perturbation theory,   JHEP 1504 (2015) 142,

is based on the concept of a trivializing map, where the stochastic fields simulating the theory are obtained instantaneously rather than through a Markov process. The functionality provided by the program package that can be downloaded from this page includes the automatic construction of the trivializing map in the φ^4 theory and in QCD with any number of mass-degenerate quarks.

Simulation program

Currently the only supported theory is the SU(3) gauge theory on 4-dimensional N0xN1xN2xN3 lattices with even sizes N0,...,N3, Schrödinger functional (SF) or open-SF boundary conditions in the time direction and periodic boundary conditions in the space directions. The gauge action is set to the tree-level O(a)-improved Wilson plaquette action.

Program features

The programs that construct the trivializing map are serial ones written in C. They require the GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library, but otherwise comply with the ISO C89 (formerly ANSI C) standard. The gmp library is freely available on practically any platform.

The simulation programs parallelize in 0,1,2,3 or 4 dimensions, depending on what is specified at compilation time. They are highly optimized for machines with current Intel or AMD processors, but will run correctly on any system that complies with the ISO C89 (formerly ANSI C) and the MPI 1.2 standards.

For the purpose of testing and code development, the programs can also be run on a desktop or laptop computer. All what is needed for this is a compliant C compiler and a local MPI installation such as Open MPI.


The compilation of the programs requires an ISO C89 compliant compiler and the gmp library mentioned above. In the main and devel directories, a GNU-style Makefile is included which compiles and links the programs (type "make" to compile everything; "make clean" removes the files generated by "make").


The programs have a modular form, with strict prototyping and a minimal use of external variables. Each program file contains a small number of externally accessible functions whose functionality is described at the top of the file.

The data layout is explained in various README files and detailed instructions are given on how to run the main programs. A set of further documentation files are included in the doc directory.


The publicly available ISPT releases are

ISPT-1.0.tar.gz (latest stable release)

The package contains the source code, usage instructions and other documentation files. After unpacking, first read the README file in the top directory.


The software may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence (GPL) .

Last updated 20 March 2017